Thursday, October 23, 2008

Something Worth Considering...

From my list of "Re" words, the word for today is: reinvent.

A relevant excerpt from an essay by a really intelligent man:

"I see the necessity of massive debt forgiveness becoming a reality. You can’t move when your debt swallows your entire paycheck, and that is what has been done on a grand level. Since much of this debt is based on fraud, it would not just be an act of altruism. I see the necessity of the world’s economies switching to a more qualitative and non-material basis of worth and well-being.

Environmentally, financially, and spiritually we can’t continue to simply materially grow and consume. We need to invest real money and commitment into developing non-scarce, non-polluting assets that have intrinsic (rather than simply instrumental) worth and actually increase in value the more they are shared. I see education and learning as possible goods that fit this criteria. Intercultural exchange of music, language, and appreciation might be another. Lastly, I think we will need huge investments in infrastructure and ingenuity, including communication networks social media, alternative energy, and so forth. These will both enhance the ability to develop non-scarce, non-material goods, but also allow for a physical renaissance in which scarcity is transformed into abundance. It is possible, and many people are already making the move. It will be interesting to see if the present crisis contributes or detracts from the shift." -- Zeus Yiamouyiannis, Ph.D

I'll drink to that. See the entire essay at:

Happy Thursday, Paycheckers! Only one more day left!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great article. In a sentence -- Stop the insanity!!!!