Saturday, January 23, 2010

The DC Hog-Trough Diner

"If anyone thinks Washington DC excels in aid, compassion, benevolence, humanity, caring, they need to wake up, pay attention and get a valuable lesson. It is not about the lives, saving lives, helping those maimed or surviving earthquake victims. It is all about the money. Hint, now even Slick Willie has shown up to pretend to care. He must be lobbying for his buddies to get a seat at the hog-trough.

If anyone thinks Washington DC has a clue or gives an iota about providing 'solutions to problems' they need to pay very close attention. It is not about solutions or relief aid response until the matter has been resolved by the sharks and vultures behind the scenes to determine who gets to profit from this Haiti tragedy." From "SOS, Katrina And Haiti" By Karl Schwarz

Even the "Smirking Chimp" aka George W. Bush showed up. Nice going, Obama.

Happy Saturday, Paycheckers.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Corporatocracy: A New Economic System for the Connected Banking Sector and Political Elites. Providing the new Serfdom Massive Debt Servitude.

The Corporatocracy: A New Economic System for the Connected Banking Sector and Political Elites. Providing the new Serfdom Massive Debt Servitude.

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Friday, November 13, 2009

237 Millionaire Whores in Congress

These people represent us?????

Report: 237 millionaires in Congress - Erika Lovley -

Where's my pitchfork????

Happy Friday, Paycheckers!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

This is What We Get

This is what we get for bailing those A$$CLOWNS out:

Read it and weep, then do as others are doing and cut up your cards.

Happy Tuesday, Paycheckers!