Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Targeted by TAR-ZHEY, Part I

Having heard that many credit card issuers were lowering credit limits, even on customers with good credit, my daughter (aka The Best Daughter in the Whole Wide World) wasn't terribly surprised to receive a letter recently from Target National Bank Visa informing her that her limit had been lowered by a couple thousand dollars.

What did surprise her, however, were the reasons they gave. Page two of the letter claimed that the following two statements from Experian had the most influence on their decision:

  • Lack Of Open Real Estate Accounts

  • Number Of Recent Severely Delinquent Accounts

The first reason Re: lack of open real estate accounts is true. TBDITWWW has never owned property.

With regard to reason two, TBDITWWW has NEVER been delinquent, severely or otherwise, on ANY account in her life, and this statement caused both of us severe mental anguish due to our horrible suspicion that in order for Experian to report delinquencies on her credit report, someone must have stolen her identity.

As suggested in the letter from Target National Bank (aka Despicable Pieces of $h*t), TBDITWWW immediately requested her credit report from Experian, and we both nervously awaited its arrival, trying to figure out how best to handle a case of identity theft. We both had numerous sleepless nights worrying about it.

Well, the credit report arrived in about a week, and there were about 16 pages of accounts in good standing, and NO delinquencies at all. NOT ONE.

WTF? WTF*ingF??????????????? Those DPOS are lying.


Happy Wednesday, Paycheckers!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Outrage of the Day

Read it and weep:

Taxpayer-funded Goldman Sachs profits


Somebody get me my pitchfork....

Anyhoo, try to have a happy Monday, Paycheckers!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Good Article of the Day for Thursday

I particularly agree with number 9.

Ten principles for a Black Swan-proof world (Requires free registration--PIA, but worth it.)

Happy Thursday, Paycheckers! One more day to go!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Quote of the Day

"If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." --James Madison.
Something to think about.
Happy Wednesday, Paycheckers! Only two more days to go!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One

I hope your weekend was as good as mine was!

Now, back to reality. Please read the linked transcript. It is very important. Although fraud is and has always been illegal, it seems that it is allowable for the banksters.

Remember, knowledge is power.

Happy Monday, Paycheckers!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Quote of the Day:

"If it makes sense to increase profits by outsourcing skilled labor, let's save big money by outsourcing the most uncompetitive worker in the U.S. corporate hierarchy: the CEO."

--Kevin Danaher and Jason Mark,

Happy Thursday, Paycheckers
(aka S.H.I.T. day -- Sure Happy Its Thursday!)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Well said....

Link of the day:


A "must-read" for all concerned Americans!

Happy Wednesday, Paycheckers. Only 2 more days to go!