Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Finally, People are Reacting!!!!!

America?s backlash against banks

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Friday, September 25, 2009


What’s the real reason that banks aren’t foreclosing?

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sad But True

Quote of the day:

"America is run largely by and for about 5,000 people who are actively supported by 50,000 beavers eager to take their places. I arrive at this figure this way: maybe 2,500 megacorporation executives, 500 politicians, lobbyists and Congressional committee chairmen, 500 investment bankers, 500 partners in major accounting firms, 500 labor brokers. If you don't like my figures, make up your own...'' ~ Robert Townsend, former head of Avis

As you can see I haven't posted for a while--needed some rest this summer due to medical issues. I'm back now, I hope.

Have a great day, Paycheckers!