Friday, October 5, 2007
Frugal Friday
This has been a good week: my paycheck was slightly early, the busiest time of the month is behind me, and I can begin setting priorities (both work and personal) for October.
The highest personal priority for me this month is to practice frugality on a higher level. I'm taking it up a notch, folks!
One of the ways I can be more frugal is to make use of things I have on hand when planning meals this week. I just checked the freezer and found an unopened bag of frozen chicken breasts. In the pantry, I have some canned tomatoes and tomato sauce, and in the refrigerator I have some white wine and grated parmesan cheese.
This means all I have to buy are some onions and a box of whole wheat spaghetti and I'll be ready to fire up the crock pot and make Chicken Cacciatore for our weekend dinners. Yippee! We'll have leftovers for the week, too, and all for the price of some onions and spaghetti.
Any money I save this month on groceries will be put towards paying down debts. This is another step I'm taking to improve my finances and help fund my escape from the paycheck economy. What are some of your steps?
It's Friday, and you know what that means--I get to celebrate!!! I've got a bag of microwave popcorn with my name on it and a book I bought with a gift certificate back in May and I plan to thoroughly enjoy kicking back and reading for the remainder of the afternoon!
Happy Friday, paycheckers!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Thankful Thursday

- Family and friends, of course!
- Being born in what is still (arguably) the best country on the face of the earth.
- Interesting work to do and wonderful people to do it with.
- Credit that is available to me in case of emergencies.
- My beautiful dog, Tiny Chalupa, "The Best Little Dog in the Whole Wide World."
Friday, September 28, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Life on the Hamster Wheel
On the plus side, there were no unanticipated budget breaker expenses this week.
On the minus side, groceries and gas keep getting more and more expensive. I am a consultant, and since there was a holiday at the beginning of the month, I won't make as much this month as I had hoped. Oh well, I sure did enjoy the holiday, so that is some consolation.
Since it is finally Friday, I am going to have myself a frosty glass of beer to celebrate, and kick back and watch TV. Not for too long, though--the Hamster wheel keeps turning!
Happy Friday, paycheckers!
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Schadenfreude Saturday
I’m sorry, but it does my heart good to read an article in the online L.A. Times today entitled “U.S. housing woes go south -- to Baja.”
The sub-heading says it all: “'Flippers' from California who invested in the construction boom on the northern Mexican coast are now finding it difficult to unload their condos.”
Some snippets as reported by Marla Dickerson:
“Ground zero was this mid-sized community about 20 miles south of Tijuana, where developers sold hundreds of condominiums on spec. Most jacked up their prices as their projects filled, fueling a sense of urgency among U.S. buyers to get in while the getting was good.”
“Greed has turned to regret for some investors who now can't sell their Mexican properties.”
“Flippers who can't find buyers will have to come up with the cash to honor their contracts, or secure Mexican mortgage financing at rates as high as 12%.”
”Those that can't close the deals risk forfeiting their down payment, often 30% of the purchase price.”
Wow, that just made my day. Hope it makes your day, too. Karma, anyone?
Happy Saturday!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
On another note, I’ve been reading about how our politicians want to help the people who are losing their houses because they cannot afford the payments on their sub-prime liar loans. Funny, the politicians refused to help people who lost jobs a few years ago when companies started offshoring their work. I guess if you are irresponsible, then you should get help from your fellow taxpayers, otherwise, you are on your own. This is another wonderful feature of the Paycheck economy, brought to you by our master manipulators.
I wonder if the mortgage help is for the benefit of the home owners or the bankers. Hmmmmmm….
Happy Thursday, paycheckers!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
What's Your Excuse?
1) Selected bad mates
2) Became a single parent due to widowhood
3) Stayed too long at a job because it was close to home near children
4) Developed debilitating levels of fatigue due to arthritis and diabetes
5) Spent small inheritances by taking time off from work to get some rest
6) Was unable to find new job for almost 2 years after a layoff
7) Ran through savings while out of work
8) Too tired to work at two jobs for long enough to get clear of debt
I may have missed, if you care to share, what are yours?
Tomorrow, will discuss plans for the future. Have a great day!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Back to Work
Over dinner, my daughter and I discussed (of course) the state of the economy. She told me of reading in the newspaper about banks with large inventories of foreclosed homes who would rather let these houses sit empty than reduce the prices. What we have noticed of late is this: many organizations seem to think that the "market price" of something is the price they wish to get for that something when they sell it. If they are unable to get their desired price, they refuse to take what they consider "below market price." Consequently, they are stuck with lots of unsold houses and unrented apartments, and they wonder why. Hey banks and landlords--here's a clue: the market price is what people are actually willing to pay for the thing being sold, not what you wish they would pay.
As usual, we could only shake our heads and wonder about how divorced from the constraints of reality some of these entities are. Then we continued to snarf our "kitchen" barbeque.
Now get back to work!!!!! LOL
Monday, September 3, 2007
My Stress Reliever

Happenings beyond my control have, in the past, caused me great stress, but I have learned and continue to learn how to cope with stress. One way, which I present to you at left, is by making collages out of bits of materials that I recycle from junk mail, newspapers, magazines, etc. These are a labor of love, and I will display more of them as time goes on. Have a happy and safe Labor Day.