Wednesday, September 5, 2007

What's Your Excuse?

You are probably wondering how I ended up stuck in the paycheck economy, with no end in sight. Well, here are my (lame) excuses/reasons:

1) Selected bad mates
2) Became a single parent due to widowhood
3) Stayed too long at a job because it was close to home near children
4) Developed debilitating levels of fatigue due to arthritis and diabetes
5) Spent small inheritances by taking time off from work to get some rest
6) Was unable to find new job for almost 2 years after a layoff
7) Ran through savings while out of work
8) Too tired to work at two jobs for long enough to get clear of debt

I may have missed, if you care to share, what are yours?

Tomorrow, will discuss plans for the future. Have a great day!

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